The Persevering With PCOS Summit

If you are a woman with PCOS who is tired of trying EVERYTHING to deal with her symptoms and is looking for some hope, then THIS EVENT IS FOR YOU!

The Persevering with PCOS Summit is a FREE online summit (between 31 May – 4 Jun 2021) where I have gathered top experts and speakers to give us the right information, inspiration and support!

I know how challenging it can be to deal with PCOS with a positive attitude. But I believe we can still THRIVE despite our diagnosis.

This Summit is a dream of mine. It’s something I SO WISHED I had when I was diagnosed at 18 years old.

But it’s never too late! I am inviting you to join us from May 31 to June 4, 2021 to feel uplifted and empowered. You will see that you CAN persevere with PCOS!


Theme: Elation by Kaira.
Trinidad and Tobago