7 Reasons Why Zumba is Good for You

You would have to be living under a rock if you have never heard about Zumba. The dance fitness program created by Alberto “Beto” Perez has been called a workout that is “a party in disguise”.

So have you always wondered whether you should join a class? Have you wondered if it would be beneficial?

Well here is a list of 7 reasons why Zumba is good for you:

1. Increases physical fitness

Zumba may not be your typical fitness programme (which is why I love it!) but it still provides a full-body workout. It promotes weight loss and tones your body. Get ready to work out places you never knew you could. Arms, chest, calves, hamstrings, bootyus maximus – you name it, it will be targeted.

But Zumba also has many other physical benefits like better posture and increased flexibility and stamina. The choreographed moves also improve your coordination and balance. And if you are clumsy like me, then you would appreciate this the most. You know how many near-misses I had because I Zumba-ed my way out of disaster?

2. Promotes mental and emotional well-being

From my experience, Zumba does wonders for your mental and emotional well-being. It helps your concentration and cognitive function. It is also a great pick-me-up. I can be feeling down, tired and even depressed, and all I need is that one hour to feel like I can conquer the world again. 

There is a reason one of Zumba’s mottos is “Leave it all on the dance floor.” You will feel like your stresses are melting away in your sweat.  You will find yourself counting down the days and the hours to your next Zumba class, especially if you have had a rough day or week.

3. Anyone can do it

All are welcome in Zumba classes.  It is a very inclusive, non-judgemental space. You get points for showing up, double the points if you make an entrance! You can join a Zumba class no matter what age, gender or fitness level.

Many people tend to be intimidated by Zumba because of all the choreography. Don’t get caught up trying to get the moves right off the bat. It takes time and practice. Trust me, everyone starts off misstepping and moving right when the class is moving left.

Don’t let that stop you. The structure of the routines and cues from the instructor will help you get the hang of it in no time. Before you know it, you would be the one reminding your instructor of a move when he/she has a forgetful moment (and this happens more often than you think!).

Even if the basic Zumba is not for you, there are other Zumba fitness programs like Zumba Step, Aqua Zumba, Strong by Zumba and others! So you can choose whichever one is the right fit.

4. It teaches you important life lessons

In my last point, “It’s about progress, not perfection” is one of the wonderful life lessons that Zumba teaches you. It shows you how to stay positive even if things might not be 100% okay. It fuels you to take on life’s challenges.

It teaches you to build relationships.  As an instructor, you learn how to put ego aside and give someone else a time to shine.

But most of all, I love how Zumba teaches you to embrace your authentic self. I have been intimidated both as a student and an instructor. Sometimes you can’t help but compare yourself. Zumba has been life-changing for me because I am more appreciative of people’s uniqueness, including my own. Everyone has something special to offer. For sure, it makes the classes that much more interesting!

5. You expand your music library

There are so many songs that are now on my favourite playlist because of Zumba! Songs that I would have probably never heard if I didn’t do Zumba. I am not the hippest person, if you must know. I even fell in love with some soca songs because of the Zumba routines.

No other fitness programme will expose you to the music and dances of various cultures as much as Zumba. You get a bit of everything –  soca, cumbia, bhangra, afrobeat, bellydance, samba, salsa, reggaeton and more!

6. You make awesome, lifelong friends             

Which brings me to the BEST part about Zumba – the people. Gosh, there is something about Zumba that attracts the most fun, most enthusiastic, most positive, most wonderful people! People with the most vibes! (2 points added to my hipness level).

Without even trying too hard, you will become Zumba besties with your classmates and instructors! Then you would wonder what you would do without them in your lives.

7. It’s plain, good ol’ fun!

Zumba is one of the most fun workouts you will ever do! Because it is so enjoyable, you find that it’s easier to stick with it, which is ALWAYS better in the long run. As the saying goes, if you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it!

It will be hard to stop yourself from smiling when you Zumba. The level of endorphins you experience is incredible! You will find yourself addicted but it is the BEST addiction you could ever have.

So what are you waiting for? You heard all the benefits and I promise you, you will love it. Check out the Zumba website here to find a class near you or come join my class as I jump back into teaching! Let’s give those calories one last dance! 

See here also for my Zumba page on Facebook! Please like and follow!

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Theme: Elation by Kaira.
Trinidad and Tobago